Company name ACTiS- Specialty SWAB Manufacturer
EstablishJuly 2016
Address308-6 Nakagirai Aza Fukuyuu Kaitaku, Matsushigechou Itanogun, Tokushima Pref., JAPAN 771-0212
Telephone number+81-88-624-7182
FAX number


Business Domain

Development, Manufacturing and Sales of Micro-Organism Collection Kit

Product Names

Micro-organism collection kit Bio-Swab CS-60C

  • Bio-film extraction of inside of piping
  • Manufactured in Class 100 cleanroom with dust proof label
  • High yield collection capabilities with micro-flocked tip and flat handle
  • Sterile swab container ensuring no environmental contamination
  • Use period 2 years post-manufacture

Extension handles are available. Customized swabs are available.

Products List


PICMr. Hitoshi Gotoh
Telephone number+81-88-624-7182
Fax number