About Us
Management Support NPO Club is the NPO that has been approved by the Law to promote specified non-profit activities in October 2002, in Japan.
A member of the organization is coming from almost all industries in the well-known Japanese corporations. The organization has grown to more than 200 people at present.
Purpose of the NPO
- support the development of young people who will lead the next generation
- management support of small and medium-sized companies
We have the wealth of business experience that has been cultivated in long corporate activities of members, technical expertise, and broad network of contacts.
The “Exporting Made-in-Japan” web site is the portal site promoting products and services for those small and medium-sized companies seeking to expand their overseas activities through internet.
If you need some assistance in entering into the Japanese market with your products line, please contact us.
Address:Uchikanda TK building 1 Floor, 1-5-13 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0047, Japan